I have had many relationships in my life time, many of come and gone and are just a distant memory. In highschool you make friends and think you'll be best friends forever. Then life happens and you lose those relationships. I made the choice to travel from PA to TX to "visit" my sister and be in her wedding. I ended up never going home. All the friends who I thought would be my friends forever quickly forgot I existed. I ended up marrying young and having three children. My husband was not the man I thought he was and our marriage quickly desolved due to violence. Then, I was completely manipulated by my inlaws. I found myself completely alone with three small children wondering if I would ever be happy.
Relationships are so important and yet are so fragile. They take a lot of work, but nourishing those important relationships definitely pays off in the long run. I have 4 sisters and 4 half brothers. I have great relationships with a few of my siblings others are not as close, however, we definiely love one another and would do anything for one another. But, I feel I have "emotional" support from only one of my siblings. I am not close to my mother, as she has really shut herself off. No matter how hard I try she just doesn't seem interested in having a relationship with me or my children.
But, on a positive note I have some really wonderful relationships:
The first relationship that pops into my head is my husband.
Scott and I have been together 21-years and have grown with one another. We support each other and cheer for one another. We raised my three children (from a previous marriage) together and are now raising our three children together. He is everything to me and without him I don't think I would be where I am today (in any capacity).

I also have strong relationships with my three grown sons (Michael, Daniel and Jordan) as well as two daughter-in-laws (Melissa & Elizabeth). Raising three headstrong sons had it's ups and downs and at times things became very tense. But, now they have all grown into responsible young men and each make me proud. I have a close relationship with them and am truly blessed. My daughter-in-laws are truly wonderful young ladies who take amazing care of their children and stand behind and support their husbands. My relationship with Melissa has always been wonderful we became friends very quickly and there have been times when she has felt closer to me than to her mother. Elizabeth and I really didn't care for one another for MANY years. But, over the past couple of years Elizabeth has grown up and has become quite the impressive young lady. We now have a mutual respect for one another and I am very proud to call her my daughter-in-law.

Oldest and youngest sons.
This photo is of my daughter-in-law Melissa, she is married to my oldest son Michael and in the picture she is holding my youngest grand-daughter Danika. The daughter of my middle son Daniel. I will post pictures of my older sons and my other daughter-in-law later. I do not have pictures on this computer

My three young chidlren (Alexia, Emma and Ethan) are the joy of my life. I am very close to each of them and couldn't imagine my life without them. They are three amazing children. Alexia is only 10, but you would think she was at least 25 if you couldn't see her. She is so mature and smart for her age it is simply amazing (No, I am not one of those parents who thinks their child is so smart). She isn't bookwork smart, she's "life smart". She is so tuned into her environment. We do butt heads from time-to-time. She went from basically being an only child (brothers were 17, 15 and 13 when she was born) and being doted over by everybody She was surrounded her entire life by adults. Then along came the twins and stole her thunder. Though she loves her siblings there are times when she feels slighted. But overall we have a very strong, secure relationship.

This is the twins on their 7th birthday in December
These photos are of my three younger children. Lexi is in the sound booth recording a song for school. She had a great time! Emma is dressed for her dance recital and Ethan is photographed at the Fort Worth Water Gardens one of my children's favorite places to go!
My step-mother, Kathy, and I have a really great relationship. She stands behind me and supports my decisions. She has been a huge part of my children's life and for that I will always love her. She would die if she knew I posted a picture of her......(One of my sisters is in the background and yes, that is Lexi standing back to back, trying to see if she is taller yet...since this picture was taken Lexi has grown taller then her Nana)

My executive director, Josh, and I have an amazing relationship and lean on each other to keep the centers running and moving forward. If I did not have Josh I may have exited this field more than once. When I'm feeling overwhelmed and completely stressed he keeps me looking at the positive and when he's in a rut I do the same for him. We both hold a passion for early childhood education and have vowed to keep each other motivated. I feel as though Josh knows me almost as well as my husband. We can even read each others minds and finish sentences for one another.
I truly treasure the relationships in my life, they keep me grounded and moving in a positive direction.
Hello Crystal,
I thank you for sharing your personal story with me. I agree with you about having many relationships in my life and many of them come and go and are just a distant memory. Relationships are important, but yet fragile.
Hello Crystal,
Thanks so much for a powerful and inspiring story. I agree that relationships are fragile and do take time in order to flourish. I also feel each relationship is unique and has something different to teach us.
Thanks again!
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