Saturday, June 15, 2013

My Supports

When I take a moment to think about where my supports come from each day, I immediately think of my husband for multiple reasons. He supports me emotionally, by listening to me everyday and helping me work my way through any issues that may have arisen. He is the financial support of our family. His job is very challenging and mentally exhausting at times, yet he still has time for his family at the end of the day. I have a terribly painful back and at times I cannot even bend to put dishes in the dishwasher or laundry in the washing machine. He steps in and helps out when I need help. When he is home he helps with dinner and almost always helps clean-up after dinner. He also helps with the children and their night time routine.

My step-mother, Kathy, supports me emotionally and definitely "has my back" at the center. She watches everything and is not afraid to step in and make it known when something is not being handled correctly. She is also a support with my children at times. During the school year my children attend a private school that does not have a cafeteria, so we must pack lunches everyday. I am not a fan of sandwiches daily, so on the days the center is serving food my children love, she will make them plates and drive to their school to deliver. If I am running late and cannot get my children picked up or delivered to one of their extra-curricular activities, she's the one that becomes the taxi driver. She is one of my main emotional supports when it comes to my children. When I made the decision to pull my daughter from her private school this year, it was because of the support and encouragement I received from Kathy that gave me the courage to uproot my daughter and move her to a new school.

My director Josh is my main support at work. I know I can lean on him to handle tasks and I know I can confide in him. We have come along ways in the past four years with a lot of ups and a lot of downs. But, through it all he has been the one person (in the field) that I can completely depend on and know I have his support with no strings attached.

My friends, what can I say, they keep me grounded and make me realize I cannot do it all. Without their love and support, advice and kick in the rear from time-to-time I'd probably have myself completely overbooked with volunteer activities more so than I am now. They make me realize that my grown children are pretty much like every other grown child and that I did not totally mess up raising the

And of course, I have my lists. I rarely get my lists checked off every day.....but lists are an absolute MUST for me or I would never accomplish anything....I'd be spinning off in too many different directions to gain enough focus to get anything done.


Unknown said...

HI Crystal!
It sounds like you have some big supporters in your life! Plus, I think you seem to know yourself (and your limits) very well. It's important to know what you need help with and appreciate that support. You do!
Especially having young children, we need a lot of support and help from others. Not only do we have to take care of ourselves and needs, but the many needs/wants of our little ones. It's part of our job! Thanks for your detailed post!
Anne Copp

Unknown said...

Hi Crystal,

I loved learning about your supports. You sound very lucky! How great that your step-mom brings your child lunch. I also smiled when I read about your lists. I am a list maker, and very rarely get everything checked off.

Thanks! Christina

Unknown said...

Hello Crystal!

I see that you have a good support team which is wonderful. I feel like we all need them sometimes in order to keep us in line as well as them helping us with whatever the situation maybe.